Part 122: Not that we can solve something like this just by waving our hands...

-Town Where The Lights Went Out-

Claire: Aaaah, Schera, too!

Claire: I'm always well! Reporters have to be healthy to chase after the big scoops, you know. But why are three awesome, famous bracer stars here in Rolent now...? Ohhh, I know! You're investigating the Orbal Shutdown Phenomenon, right?

Claire: Freddy's been talking about it. The floating island is really weird, but the weirdest thing is what's happened to the orbments. I'm gonna get the scoop of the millennium on this! Just you wait! The number one topic on everyone's mind is the Orbal Shutdown Phenomenon. But today, I've got an appointment to go to Armand and Ellie's wedding. I managed to get an invite from a person on the inside, so I'll be covering it. Gotta lock down that local news, or the readers lose interest!

Pat: Estelle, Joshua! Welcome back! You two are finally together again!

Luke: Heheh! Darn right! Are you guys working today?
Pat: You're investigating why the orbments aren't working, I bet.

Luke: Aww, that's obvious. You want to investigate something cool, investigate that weird flying island in the sky!

Luke: Haha! Yeah, another crisis, we know. It's kind of a bummer, but we'll stay inside the city, don't worry. Okay! Let's go, Pat!
Pat: Uh, yeah! See you later, Estelle!

Melders: And Joshua's here, too!
Paddington: Haha. Been quite a long time, young man.

Melders: Yep, same old, same old. This city's got a lot of old machines. As always, I've got my hands full running around workin' on 'em.
Paddington: Mmm, as he said, those old doodads are always breaking down. He's having a look at the clock tower for me now. Darned thing's stopped running!

Melders: Yep. All the orbments in town have stopped working. Well, it might be fruitless, but I figured I could at least oil the parts.
Paddington: You all should hurry home. Don't just work all the time, and don't forget to enjoy your stay while you're here.

Melders: Still, why have all the orbments stopped all of a sudden? That strange island up there must be pulling some kind of nasty trick.

Alan: Back again, huh?

Alan: Yeah, well. I'd LIKE to say it's business as usual and I just spend my days tallyin' the score...But with the airships the way they are, I'm exhausted!

Alan: Well, yeah, that part sucks a lot, too. More importantly, no airships means I can't keep score! Girls are scarce enough around here! I need tourists! And that's the only part of this job I even enjoy! Aidios, have mercy...

Alan: Sure, dealing with the customers is hard, but the real problem is there aren't any girls! The girls are the only reason I like this job! Aidios, have mercy! Send me some honeys!
Linde Passengers: No airships today either, huh? Not like I expected much different, but...
'We have no idea when service will resume.' I mean, is that really an answer? I mean, even if it's a bit of a lie, I'd like to hear an answer that gives me some hope. Right? You understand, right? You get what I'm saying!
Exactly the kind of attitude I'd expect from somebody who'd line up in the middle of a national blackout to complain about not being able to go on vacation or whatever.

Captain Grandt: I sent the crew who have family waiting back to Grancel, but who knows when we'll need them again. I've never heard of orbments across an entire nation simply ceasing to function. Combined with some of the other recent goings-on, I suspect we still have some struggles ahead of us.
Crew Mem. Timon: So strange...I've never seen a problem like this before. Normally there's some kind of sign before an airship has mechanical trouble. The engine block overheats, a rattle in the hull, that sort of thing. But this time there was absolutely nothing. It was all so sudden, like someone just began turning off our engines mid-flight. There was no sign of this trouble at all in advance. I was even looking at the instruments as it happene, which made it even more unbelievable. Without a sound, the output gauge just slid down to zero.

Lita: Um, thank you for everything during the fog trouble. Don't worry about me. I'm back on my feet and everything! See?

Mylene: Oh, hello, Joshua! With Estelle again? Goodness, how long has it been since both of you were in our house together...

Mylene: It shows how much you've grown. I'm sure work is keeping you busy, but since you've come all the way back home together...Do try to find some time to relax and enjoy it.

Groom's Family: I'm kinda worried. Hopefully he doesn't mess up...
Hmph, you don't have to have a ceremony on a day like this...I told the groom time and time again that he should delay it. But he's pretty stubborn. He wouldn't hear a word of it.
We're going to have the reception party in the local bar. I heard the food there is really good, so I'm looking forward to it.
Sister May: I shall guide you, so take one step forward...And place the ring you have on the left ring finger of your bride.
Armand: O-Okay...Got it.
Sister May: You should practice it before the ceremony. When you're nervous, you won't be able to do even the most simple things. Hmm-hmm. Once the exchange of rings is finished, then it's time to seal the oath of love with a kiss. W-Well, I'm sure you've practiced that enough, yes?
Armand: My family was against having a wedding at a time like this. I really want us to be husband and wife properly with the blessings of the Goddess as soon as possible, though. Ellie and I talked about it and decided on a time.
Bride's Friends: At first I was happy to come to my friend's wedding, but...Now I'm all worked up. I feel like I need to find someone for me soon.
At first, I couldn't believe it when I heard that Ellie was getting married. *sigh* I guess I've really been beaten to the punch.
Bride's Family: The entire kingdom's having trouble right now. This is my precious granddaughter's wedding ceremony...I hope it goes okay.
They said we can't go into this room right now. Mmmmrrrrrr...I really wanted to see my sister's dress, too.

Ellie: Your little girl's going to be a bride today. I'll finally wear this dress. It's very lovely, and I'm sure you'd like it, Papa. I hope you will continue to watch over me.
Bride's Family: Other married women are helping us get her dressed. It makes me smile to see that sense of community still remains in Rolent.
Serra: Oh, will you be going to the wedding, too? You're still a bit early. I'm about to go dress the bride.
Euridice: Oh, no. You shouldn't be over here. You're going to wear the bride's dress soon, after all. You can look forward to the ceremony.

Father Divine: Is that Joshua there?

Father Divine: I've been waiting. Hm...You seem much more at peace. Very calm. Have you discovered the road you must walk?

Father Divine: ...Estelle, Joshua. Right now, the world is descending into chaos. However, no matter what happens, you must not lose sight of yourself. The light of hope that guides us...It exists nowhere but inside your own heart.

Father Divine: Hm, please do. Now, then, I would love to talk more, but...Things are incredibly busy at the moment, so let us stop here for now.

Freemont: It needs to be ready to ship, and besides, I need to get to church! It's Armand's wedding, after all!

Elissa: Oh, is that...?

Elissa: You're FINALLY home! I was really worried. After all, Estelle ALWAYS seems to be dragging around other men these days. Made me wonder if you guys hit some sort of snag in your relationship or something, you know?

Elissa: So how about it, you two? You can take it easy this time around, can't you?

Elissa: Well, come by when your work is done, then! I want Joshua to test some of my best recipes.

Elissa: My recipes are on the menu, too. One of them is a really popular dish. I'm pretty proud of it, so make sure you give it a try.
Heavenly Tempura
[To-Go/HP7200/MOV +1/SPD +10%]
An Eastern fried food with a delectable crunch. Divine.

Faulkner: Th-The sun's still high in the sky, so you're still working, r-right?

Faulkner: *phew* (Thank you, Aidios.)

Faulkner: N-No, it's nothing...Um...Well, then, we'll be waiting. Good luck with your work.

Densel: And hey, Joshua's with you today.

Densel: Yeah, glad to see you're well. Here in Rolent for work again?

Densel: Well, not being able to use the orbal oven hurts. After all, of all things to be going on during this mess, we have a party reservation today.

Densel: Heh. I may be down an orbal oven, but no professional was ever stopped by losing one of his tools. Of course, I wouldn't mind getting that tool back eventually...I'm counting on you bracers to make it happen!

Tabitha: I've been waiting for you two. You've finally come back.

Tabitha: Oh, come on! There's no need to be so polite. But you two've come back at a hard time.

Tabitha: Yes, my husband and Elissa are managing to hang in there. But, getting stock will become a problem soon. After all, scheduled liners and freight transport are both stalled.

Tabitha: As the coordinator for the store, it's quite the headache. *sigh* Why do terrible things like this keep happening...?

Tabitha: So just hang in there, in other words? Well, we'll just have to make do with the store somehow for now. Of course, I'll be expecting a lot from you guys.

Fate: My goodness, you've matured into quite the man in the little while you've been gone. It's a relief to see you two together, though. You seem to have become quite a bracer, along with Estelle.

Fate: And things have gotten crazy all across Liberl, it seems. I'm sure Cassius is even busier now than he's ever been. I hope you two will work just as hard and bring some honor to that badge you wear.

Fate: I will. You two be careful, yourselves.

Kitty: We've had a lot of customers today. I guess that probably has something to do with all the orbments stopping. Everyone seems to be looking for emergency gear. If there's anything you're looking for, please don't hesitate to ask.

Rinon: At long last, the two of you have made your long-awaited appearance!

Rinon: I'm always as good as my business. And business is great! W-Well, I guess I do have a vague sense of unease about my future...

Rinon: N-No...Never mind. Well, putting me aside, this is your first time back home in a while, right, Joshua? Times may be hard with all the stuff going on right now, but I hope you'll have the chance to take a breather soon.

Rinon: Hm? What is it?

Rinon: Y-Yeah...She's s-something like a part-timer, or a freeloader...My mother brought her, so I'm having her help around the store.

Rinon: The store's been running pretty smoothly ever since Kitty arrived. She's really opened up to me. We're practically family now! And don't get me wrong, that's a good thing, but...I just kind of feel like a puppet being strung along sometimes.

Freddy: ...J-JOSHUA?!

Freddy: No KIDDING it's been a while! You been well? Feels like a million years since I've seen you two together.

Freddy: I'm doing okay personally, but...Unfortunately, the factory's in a real spot. This is gonna sound weird as Gehenna I know, but we can't offer any services...

Freddy: Huh, what's that?

Joshua explained that by using the Zero Field Generator, the factory's functionality could be temporarily restored.
Freddy: Th-That's an incredible piece of equipment. Yeah, I've got no objections. Try it out immediately.

On activation, the Zero Field Generator restored power to the factory's tools.
Freddy: Whoa...The machines are actually working again. All right, let's finish what you need done while it lasts. Whenever you want to use the factory just bring the equipment. I'll gladly tune your stuff any time.

Freddy: Yeah, I'll try and do my part. Well, then, everyone. Good luck with your work. In times like this, the only people we can count on are the bracers, after all.

Elger: Oh, Joshua. Finally back, huh?

Elger: Yes...You look a lot more mature. Seems like you've had some worthwhile experiences.

Elger: Haha, you're a man. That's part of the job. Joshua, you're the pride of this town; our favorite son. Welcome back...Stay a while, and listen.

Elger: Did you already see Stella? If not, you should go pay her a visit. She was worried about you even more than I was.

Stella: ...Oh? Oh, my! Is that you...Joshua?

Stella: isn't a dream...It really is little Joshua! Oh, where have you been?!

Stella: Oh...! I shouldn't be blaming you, should I? I'm sure this must have been hardest on you above all.

Stella: Joshua...Raise your head. We're just happy you've come back to Rolent. So don't make such a face, okay? A grim look like that is just too sad when we haven't met in so long, right?

Stella: Yes, yes. Young people need smiles. You can overcome anything life throws at you with that smile!

Estelle and company told Aina about how the city appeared, and about the Zero Field Generator.

Joshua flipped the switch on the phone.

There's one more bounty in Rolent, further down the road.

-Obstructive Existence-

More Ouroboros heavies, backed up by Renne's toys.

Just like before, you can counter these with anti-Petrify, anti-Poison, and ADF boosts.

See?! See?! I was right about the poison!

Next time, we'll check out Malga Mine.